• Elly's Quick Facts:

    Art Mediums: Digital or Markers
    Favorite Drink: Coffee
    Current TV Binge: Dark Matter
    Collection: Dice, Miniatures
    D&D Class/Race: Gnome Rogue

  • A Southern Californian native, Elly Karipides grew up influenced by animation and storybook art and cultivated a passion for whimsical, dream-like, and narrative illustration.
  • Inspired by childhood daydreaming and doodling, Elly's main themes are often fantasy based, including adorable cats, wistful girls, and pop culture fan-art.
  • When not drawing or spending time with her husband and teenage son, her past times include building miniatures, playing D&D which consequently also means collecting an insane amount of dice, and of course, taking way too many photos of her two cats.
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